1) SponsoredReviews.com
Earn cash by writing honest reviews about our advertiser’s products and services. Write reviews in your own tone and style, and gear them to your audience’s interest.

Unlike some other services, we pay our Partners up to 70% for each LinkPost written. Access to thousands of advertisers hungry for reviews. A variety of payment options. Receive payouts monthly by check, PayPal, direct deposit, or Wire. Automated advertising management. An easy way to sell paid blog posts.
3) Reviewme.com
Get paid $20 – $200 to review products and services on your site. You control what you review.
4) Shvoong.com
The more abstracts you post at Shvoong, the more chances to attract readers. Create link to your abstract elsewhere(on blogs, forums, your personal homepage, or other sites). Spread the word by joining our “Invite a friend” and/or “Affiliates” programs, and earn bonuses equivalent to the invite members’ royalties, upto $100 for every new writer.
5) Smorty.com
Get paid for blogging. Write your opinion about peoples products, services and websites on your blog. Get paid weekly.
6) Payperpost.com
PayPerPost is an incredible new self-service marketplace that allows you to get paid to blog about the products, services and websites you love. You can easily earn $500 per month or more with your current blog!
7) 451press.com
451 Press is always looking for bright, talented writers who want to have their voices heard. We are looking for writers with unique voices to contribute to our growing network of blogs. Our blogs cover a wide range of topics. If you have a passion for a subject then we just might have a place for you.
8) All About.com Guides are freelancers who work online and set their own schedules, giving them the flexibility to log on from anywhere in the world whenever they have the time. With no timesheets to fill out and no timecards to punch, working for About.com gives you the flexibility to write when you want, even if you have a full-time day job.
9) Blogburner
So here’s how it works:
•You create an account with us.
•You create an account with Google Adsense.
•You login and write content to your "blog" on our site.
•You try to write as often as you can.
•We publish your content to our site.
•We serve ads on the pages that have your content.
•Half the time you make money on the ads. Half the time we do.
10) Bloggerwave.com
We’ve got advertisers that would like you to write about their products or services. So you do. In your blog. And get paid!
11) Blogitive.com
Once you are approved to the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. You are paid per posting.
12) Blogsvertise.com
Once approved, your blog goes into the assignment queue. The blogsvertise administrator then assigns writing tasks for what our advertisers want you to mention in your blog.
14) Blogtoprofit.com
We connect you with advertisers that are interested in sponsoring your blog, you post to your blog and get paid!
15) Blogs.botw.org
If you are an experienced writer and/or an avid blogger, can write passionately about a topic, and enjoys working as part of a group, you may be a good candidate for a BOTW Media author
16) Creative-weblogging.com
Get paid to blog with us at Creative Weblogging! We are one of the largest blog networks, with over 135 blogs in five languages
17) Daytipper.com
If you have a tip that is insightful, helpful, and original, we will publish it and pay you $3 (US). You write the content. We share it with the world.
18) Digitaljournal.com
Unlike most websites where bloggers post for free (and the company takes in all the ad revenue), DigitalJournal.com shares a portion of its advertising revenue with all Citizen Journalists. With an always-growing cash pool, every single Citizen Journalist gets a chance to compete for a share of the cash pot. The more you contribute, the more you earn
19) Helium.com
Earn a share of the advertising money earned here at Helium. If you write well, and write often, you earn even more recognition and reward.
20) InBlogAds.com
You’ve been writing about web sites, products, services and companies for years, now you you can also get paid for it. With our system, you get paid for each post request you fulfill.
21) LoudLaunch.com
If your blog and interests are aligned with an advertiser’s campaign then you can do ur own research and write about them in exchange for pay not in exchange for a pre-determined outcome but for a fair assessment.
22) Squidoo.com
Every lens carries Google AdSense ads. Those are used to generate royalties for the whole co-op (ie, everyone gets a cut). If you want to increase your direct royalties, though, you should consider adding commercial modules that the visitors to your lenses will appreciate.
23) weblogsinc.com
Looking to get paid to blog about subjects you love? Tell us what you’re passionate about and let’s find out if there’s a fit!
24) WiseBread.com
is one of the top 5 personal finance blogs. We give our bloggers 100% of the advertising revenue they earn on their blog posts.
An alternative resource is Linknami.com, where bloggers can make money by publishing articles, writing and publishing reviews for websites, products or services as well as by publishing contextual links within their blog posts.