Enter your site/blog here: https://varvy.com
Page speed Optimization : https://varvy.com/pagespeed
Web performance glossary : https://varvy.com/performance
Varvy Seo tool : https://varvy.com/tools
Mobile SEO
- Avoid plugins
- Conditional resource loading
- Configure the view port
- Don't block resources
- How to be mobile friendly
- Java script for mobile seo
- Media Queries
- Mobile first design and development
- Mobile page speed
- Mobile redirects
- Size content to view port
- Tap target size
- Use legible text size
- Vary user agent http header
Google Guidelines
- Affiliate websites and Google
- Amount of links per page
- Auto generated content
- Block unuseful pages
- Clear hierarchy and text links
- Cloaking
- Create useful, information rich content
- Deceiving users
- Doorway pages
- Dynamic content
- Ensure Google sees your site
- Hidden text and links
- If modified since useage
- Keyword stuffing
- Keyword usage
- Link schemes
- Make pages for users
- Make your webpage stand out
- Malware
- Paid links and advertisements
- robots.txt guide
- Scraped content
- Session Ids and tracking
- Site maps for users
- Sneaky redirects
- Submit content to Google
- Text vs images
- Titles and alt tags
- Tricks (how to avoid)
- Page Speed
- Avoid bad requests
- Avoid CSS imports
- Base64 images
- Combine external css
- Combine external javascript
- Content delivery networks
- Critical rendering path
- CSS image sprites
- Defer images
- Defer loading javascript
- Defer multiple javascripts
- Defer videos
- Enable compression / gzip
- Enable keep alive
- .htaccess file
- Inline small CSS
- Inline small javascript
- Leverage browser caching
- Minify CSS
- Minimize dns lookups
- Minimize redirects
- Optimize CSS delivery
- Optimize style / script order
- Prioritize visible content
- Render blocking css
- Render blocking javascript
- Server response time
- Web font page speed
- Address schema tool
- Ask Google tool
- Base 64 image tool
- Breadcrumb rich snippet tool
- CSS delivery tool
- Google guideline tool
- Gzip compression checker
- HTTP header tool
- If modified since tool
- Link count / Nofollow tool
- Mobile SEO tool
- Pagespeed tool
- Requests checker
- SEO overview tool
- Social media count
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